Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ferris says fishing requires more state control

The Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Fisheries, Martin Ferris TD has said that there needs to be more national control over domestic fisheries. He was commenting on a new EU proposal on enforcing compliance with Common Fishery Policy regulations which was discussed at Committee in the Dáil this morning.
Deputy Ferris said: "While the Commission presents its proposal as a means of strengthening the protection of fish stocks, Irish fishermen have long and grim experience of the reality of what the Common Fishery Policy has meant for them and their livelihood. The unfair distribution of quota and the abuse of our waters has left the Irish fishing sector struggling for survival.
"In that scenario what this country needs to be doing is asserting its right for more control over this valuable resource, and not to surrender even more power to Brussels. That has been a disaster since 1973 and will lead to the effective destruction of the Irish fishery if allowed to continue. Rather than acquiesce in any further restrictions on Irish fishermen, therefore, we must demand that the CFP be radically reformed to include an overhaul of the unfair distribution of the quota that underlines it."

Ó Snodaigh calls for Garda Reserve to be scrapped

Sinn Féin Justice Spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD has this morning called for the Garda Reserve to be scrapped. Speaking ahead of an Oireachtas Committee meeting with the Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy Deputy Ó Snodaigh said the reserve is a failed and costly exercise and should be scrapped.
Deputy Ó Snodaigh also gave his party's reaction to the publication of the Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern's priorities for the Gardaí in 2009.
He said, "We would have liked to see a commitment to scrap the Garda Reserve and the €1.3 million it costs annually redirected into quality community policing. It is a failed and costly PR exercise of a previous Justice Minister and has been deemed as such by both the Garda Representative Association and the Association of Garda Sergeants. It should be scrapped immediately before more money is wasted.
"The reserve has had little or no impact in terms of improving policing. Even aside from its budget allocation a range of other costs are tied up with its existence. A chief superintendent, a superintendent, several sergeants and a large number of Gardaí are tied up with training and supervising the tiny reserve force. .
"The Garda Reserve cannot be a substitute for quality community policing by full-time fully trained Gardaí.
"Minister Ahern's Garda priorities for 2009 are a real step backwards from the priorities determined by Brian Lenihan for the 2008 plan.
"Like the Gardaí themselves, Ahern's top priority is state security followed secondly by crime. Lenihan had reversed these last year - rightly in our view.
"Ahern has also dumped some of the more positive priorities determined by Lenihan last year which we had welcomed at the time and which were in fact clearly influenced by our own submission to that year's policing plan. Ahern has abandoned: the emphasis on JPCs; the priority of increasing the numbers of Gardaí on operational duties, the frequency of high visibility patrols and the numbers deployed in RAPID areas; and Crime Prevention and Reduction as a named priorities in the 2009 Garda Policing Plan." ENDS

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ó Snodaigh welcomes new measures to improve rented accommodations

Sinn Féin Housing Spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD has welcomed the announcement of a package of measures to improve standards in rented accommodation which are due to come into effect from February 1st. However Deputy Ó Snodaigh raised concerns that some of the measures included will not come into effect until 2013 for existing lettings.
Speaking today he said, "I welcome this much needed package of measures which, if implemented, will significantly improve standards in rented accommodation and effectively see an end to bed sits in Irish society. Enforcement is crucial if these measures are to be successful.
"However, I am concerned that some of these measures will not come into effect for a further four years for existing lettings. This does not reflect the sense of urgency which is required to bring accommodations up to standard for the thousands of renters who are suffering in substandard conditions.
"The Minister, in his statement announcing these measures, has encouraged local authorities to continue with rigorous and targeted inspections of rented accommodation. However, between 2002 and 2006, 33,644 dwellings were inspected under the existing regulations with 10,162 not meeting the legal requirements. Of those 10,162 only 79 legal actions were taken by local authorities. While continued inspections are important they are useless unless legal actions are taken against those landlords whose properties do not meet legal requirements.
"Extra resources could and should be provided to local authorities through the financial penalties of offending landlords." ENDS

Government attack on Irish Language would make Deputies of the first Dáil turn in their graves

Senator Pearse Doherty has this morning called on the Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe to withdraw his department’s circular 0044/2007 which seeks to end the total immersion method of teaching in Gaelscoileanna so that the unnecessary and costly legal challenge being brought against the Department by Irish Language campaigners can be withdrawn.

The Donegal Senator said:

“In 2007 the Department of Education issued a circular to all Gaelscoileanna instructing them to end the total immersion method of education which they practice. Two years on and despite numerous reports and relentless efforts by teachers, students and parents to have this circular withdrawn Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe continues to ignore the strong and blatant opposition to his departments measure.

“All international research points irrevocably to the fact that early total immersion produces significant benefits, not only for the minority language but also for the overall educational rounding of children.

“Recent research conducted by Donal O hAinifein, Principal of Gaelscoil Mhichil Chiosoig, Ennis, Co Clare, who is also the parents' representative on the Irish language education advisory body COGG, evidences these benefits and it refutes the notion often trotted out by the department that immersion education damages English learning. This is simply not the case.

“Donal O hAinifein’s research surveyed the English reading attainment tests of 3,298 children in Gaelscoileanna at the end of the 2nd and 5th classes in the last academic year. At the end of 2nd class it showed that the equivalent score achieved by the top 33% of children nationally was attained by no less than 43% of children who had enjoyed at least one full year’s early total immersion in Irish.

“The Department of Education, under the watchful eye of Batt O’Keeffe, seems intent on putting the final nail in the coffin of Tumoideachas. It is deeply sad for both the language and its historical importance that Irish language campaigners have been left with no option but to legally challenge the government on its decision to undermine the language. Their case is due before the court over the coming weeks. It is particularly sad in the context of last week’s ‘An Chéad Dáil’ 90th anniversary celebrations. The promotion and protection of the Irish language was one of the political cornerstones that brought together the brave men and women of 1919.

“It is nothing short of a scandal that tax-payers money is now to be squandered on defending this blatant attack on the Irish language by the state itself. Minister O’Keeffe’s time and indeed his department’s money would be far better sent replacing the rotten prefabs that litter our education system or aiding special needs children.

“I am calling on the Minister for Education to do the right thing by the Irish language and to withdraw circular 0044/2007 so as to avoid this needless and indeed costly court case. Sinn Féin believes that education is a fundamental right and the Irish people have a right to educated in their native tongue.” ENDS

Statement issued by Pádraig Ó hAoláin, Chief Executive,

News Release
Údarás na Gaeltachta: 2008 Review
EMBARGO – 12midday 26th January 2008
Statement issued by Pádraig Ó hAoláin, Chief Executive,
Údarás na Gaeltachta
Gaeltacht maintains job numbers in 2008

1,269 full time jobs created

1,024 new full-time jobs approved involving a total investment of over €100m

Services and modern manufacturing sectors continue to increase

Employment in indigenous enterprises continues to grow

National and global economic conditions create challenges for Gaeltacht companies

A total of 1,269 new jobs were created in 2008. Employment in the services and modern manufacturing sectors experienced growth while employment in the traditional manufacturing sectors such as textiles, clothing and assembly-line operations in addition to construction related businesses experienced a decline.
Overall it is encouraging to see the containment of job losses and the sustaining of our jobs target despite the unprecedented change in the national and global economic climate.
Growing Sectors and Economic Impact
The sectoral composition of Gaeltacht employment has changed considerably over the past decade. Jobs are created and lost each year in every economy as certain sectors contract and others grow. It is the national, as well as the Gaeltacht experience, that the more traditional manufacturing sectors have declined substantially since the mid nineties. Traditional manufacturing employment in Údarás assisted companies declined by 5.5% in 2008. However the modern manufacturing, services and audio-visual and independent tv production sectors increased by 9.7%. Employment in the services industry now accounts for 3,046 jobs or 37% of the total. The majority of these are indigenous enterprises and provide the type of highly skilled jobs that An tÚdarás aspires to support in the Gaeltacht. The figures indicate the gradual restructuring of the Gaeltacht economy from lower technology sectors and therefore lower skills level to higher technology manufacturing and services sectors and therefore a higher skilled and educated workforce.
Results from the Annual Business Survey of Economic Impact 2007 (ABSEI) carried out in 2008 by Forfás in Gaeltacht companies highlights the significant impact Údarás na Gaeltachta has had on the Gaeltacht and indeed the national economy. The ABSEI, which surveyed companies that include approximately 75% of Údarás supported employment, indicates that total direct expenditure into the Irish economy by client companies amounted to €421m, with total sales by those firms at €784m, 44% of which were in exports. The survey also illustrates that 42% of Gaeltacht companies are engaging in R&D activities, with a spend of approximately €11.5m in 2007.
Sustaining Employment and Job Creation
Total employment in Údarás na Gaeltachta assisted companies now stands at 8,193. Employment figures are expressed as full-time equivalent employment, representing the number of full-time employees and the number of part-time aggregated into full-time jobs. Up until now, full-time equivalent figures included were limited to the aquaculture and fish processing sector. Full-time equivalent (FTE) is intended to create a common measure for comparing the flexible nature of employment. This inclusion brings An tÚdarás more into line with the reporting practices of other development agencies and highlights the contribution of the media, hospitality and social economy employment sectors in the Gaeltacht. The FTE accounts for approximately 300 jobs and these jobs were previously included in our part-time figures.
During 2008 a total of 1024 new jobs were approved involving a overall investment of over €100 million. These new jobs are expected to come on-stream over the next three year period. Employment in indigenous enterprises continues to grow and this is evidence that the Údarás strategy of continuous support for local entrepreneurship is bearing fruit. These supports are extremely important to enable companies to maintain their competitiveness and thereby sustain jobs.
The global economic conditions, however, continue to create difficulties for Gaeltacht companies. Towards year-end, a number of Gaeltacht companies trading in the Sterling and Dollar areas were under pressure with their margins being eroded by the weak exchange rates. The current credit squeeze is also another constraint that existing companies have to contend with and An tÚdarás will continue to work with these companies, within the state-aid guidelines, to try to minimise job losses in 2009.
Challenging Times
There is no doubt that 2009 will be a challenging year for job maintenance and creation in the Gaeltacht as it will be nationally. It will be a major challenge for us to meet our development and employment targets. The reduced level of funding available from the exchequer, the decline in the sale of assets, and the deteriorating economic climate may impair the organisations ability to achieve it’s job-targets. Job approvals for the first half of the year are expected to be low as the organisation focuses on employment maintenance and reserves resources for what is forecast to be a more difficult second half of the year.
Notwithstanding that, An tÚdarás is determined to pursue a sustained strategy of developing and securing employment in the Gaeltacht. Emphasis will be placed on aftercare support and the focus will be on working to maintain and create new jobs in existing companies. A range of support measures, consistent with state-aid guidelines, will be offered to companies to improve their competitiveness, especially those experiencing severe market pressures. A range of high quality industrial space and modern services buildings are available throughout the Gaeltacht for new businesses.
We acknowledge the support of IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and the local authorities in implementing our enterprise development programme and look forward to enhanced co-operation with them in the future.
The Aquaculture Sector
Salmon farming remains the main aquaculture activity in the Gaeltacht. The shift towards the production of an organic salmon product has given the industry new momentum and, while some difficulties with disease were experienced in 2008, the general trend is towards growth. The Irish salmon industry has worked in collaboration with the Norwegian and Scottish industries to resolve some disease issues and progress on this matter gives renewed hope that tonnages will recover to levels achieved in previous years.
An tÚdarás has in the past pioneered the farming of novel species in Ireland and this work continues with Gaeltacht fish farmers currently involved in projects growing species such as abalone, turbot and cod. Three abalone farms are currently operating in the Gaeltacht and the farming of turbot in a water recirculation system is being trialled in Acaill, Co Mayo. Success for these ventures could encourage further investment in the farming of these species over the coming years. The pioneering work done by Trosc Teoranta, which was supported by An tÚdarás, on the farming of cod in Connemara has led to the Marine Institute’s Eir-Cod project being supported under the Institute’s Sea Change Programme. This initiative to develop an Irish cod broodstock is further evidence of how joint co-operation between agencies such as An tÚdarás and the Marine Institute can assist in creating new opportunities in the sector.
The decision by An tÚdarás during 2008 to discontinue the activities of its Gaeltacht marine research subsidiary, Taighde Mara Teoranta, was made following an assessment by the organisation of the company’s future in light of changes in the marine sector in recent years. While there can be no questioning the contribution made by Taighde Mara to the development of the aquaculture sector in the Gaeltacht and indeed nationally in the 25 years of its existence, the changing circumstances which now sees a wide range of expertise available from organisations such as The Marine Institute, NUIG’s Martin Ryan Institute and various Institutes of Technology negated the need for An tÚdarás to continue funding a separate research function. An tÚdarás will continue to focus its energy on the provision of support for the development of the productive sector in both aquaculture and fish processing and will draw expertise directly from those specialised organisations as required.
Business Infrastructure
Throughout 2008 An tÚdarás continued in its efforts to ensure that a range of adequate workspace was available, particularly modern industrial and services type facilities, enterprise units, multifunctional centres and business incubation units. New premises were built and others were redeveloped or upgraded. These facilities are an invaluable resource in assisting to attract further investment to the Gaeltacht. These include:
the commencement of developments works on the first phase of Áislann Ghaoth Dobhair, Co. Donegal which will consist of cultural, art, educational, community and enterprise development facilities;
the completion of an Integrated Food Development Centre and Incubation Unit at Machaire Rabhartaigh pier, Co. Donegal at a cost of €1.1m;
the development of a €1.6m multifunctional services and enterprise centre on the Carna Industrial Estate, Co. Galway;
the opening of Nuálann Mhaigh Eo, a business innovation and incubation centre based in Béal an Mhuirthead, Co. Mayo, jointly funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta and Mayo County Council;
the commencement of developments work on Áislann Rann na Feirste, a resource, enterprise, heritage and community centre funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta, The International Fund for Ireland and The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs at a cost of €1.38m in Co. Donegal;
the purchase of a site in Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Co. Kerry and receipt of full planning permission for the development of a third-level outreach centre by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway in association with the local community co-operative, Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne;
the development of Páirc an Phobail, a recreational park with playground facilities for the local community on the Gaoth Dobhair Business Park, Co Donegal;
the establishment of a natural resources research centre by the Tralee Institute of Technology on the Údarás estate at Baile na Buaile, Co. Kerry;
the opening of a state of the art €1.1m Incubation & Enterprise Centre, Fiontarlann, in Cill Charthaigh in the South West Donegal Gaeltacht, funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta and the International Fund for Ireland;
the opening of the new offices of Comhchoiste Gaeltachta Uíbh Ráthaigh which will cater for community development, language and enterprise requirements in the area with assistance from the Department of Community Rural and Gaelacht Affairs and Údarás;
the receipt of planning permission for the development of office, educational, business and training space of approx 1200m.sq. on Údarás land in Baile na nGall Beag, An Rinn, Co. Waterford;
the drawing up of outline plans and a public consultation process regarding the re-development Coláiste Íosagáin, Baile Bhúirne, Co. Cork as an educational, training, tourism and cultural resource centre.

Physical Infrastructure
An tÚdarás has repeatedly emphasised the importance of upgrading infrastructure in the Gaeltacht regions so as to facilitate the attraction of investment. We welcome the commencement of the development works at Inis Mór harbour, Aran Islands during the year, the completed upgrade of Inis Meáin harbour and the development plans for the pier at Inis Oírr. These developments will underpin the sustainability of these islands and thus have a positive impact on the island populations. The critical need to develop deep-sea harbour and ancillary services at Ros a’ Mhíl harbour is generally accepted because of the huge potential such a development would have as a driver of economic development for Conamara and the Aran Islands.
The decision by ESB Networks to make two new submissions to An Bord Pleanála for the provision of a 110 kv substation and new 110 kv power-line to Connemara and West Donegal is also welcomed. There is an urgent need for the reinforcement of the electricity network to cater for the increasing demand for power in the Connemara and Donegal Gaeltacht areas to facilitate commercial development and continued investment in the Gaeltacht.
We welcome the allocation of funding for the design of the new Conamara roadway and while An Bord Pleanála’s decision on the Galway outer bypass is disappointing it is hoped that a new application will be prepared without delay for that part of the bypass which was refused planning approval.
Significant advances have been made in the provision of broadband services in both the Galway and Donegal Gaeltacht during the year. A new high speed telecommunications network was provided in the Galway and Donegal Gaeltacht areas as a result of a joint initiative undertaken by An tÚdarás, HEAnet and NUI Galway. The new network, which is operated by Airspeed Telecom in Galway, was provided at six of NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht centres and as a result was also made available to business users in the southern Connemara area. CNS (Community Network Services Ltd) provided the service to the Gaoth Dobhair Business Park and as a result of a joint-funding initiative between An tÚdarás, Donegal County Council, IFI and Interreg has also provided new a broadband network throughout Co. Donegal. Six Gaeltacht Eircom exchanges were upgraded to DSL capacity during the year and another 8 exchanges are due for upgrade during 2009.
The Irish Language
To date An tÚdarás has established 32 language service centres throughout the Gaeltacht and over 900 people attended Irish language courses in those centres in 2008. Approximately 350 of these learners are undertaking accredited examinations such as a third level diploma or the European Irish Language Certificate (TEG). As part of An tÚdarás’ language planning strategy, research was carried out in twenty eight Gaeltacht communities as regards their Irish language requirements in conjunction with the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. Findings from the research were in turn presented to the relevant language centres and each community’s expressed requirements will be incorporated the into the centres’ work programme for 2009. Language action plans are being implemented in eight other communities throughout the Gaeltacht.
Substantial funding was provided for the provision of third level education courses through Irish in the Gaeltacht where diploma, degree and postgraduate courses are now being delivered. The main provider is Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway, which is developing permanent outreach centres in the Gaeltacht. Third level courses delivered by the Waterford Institute of Technology in association with Nemeton Teo and by Galway Mayo Institute of Technology in association with Europus Teo were also funded. These courses have a significant social, economic and language impact in the communities where they are provided.
During the year, An tÚdarás reviewed its policy for its client-companies regarding their undertakings to promote the Irish language in their businesses. This revision was undertaken to align the state-aided private sector in the Gaeltacht with guidelines laid down for public bodies under the Official Languages Act 2003.
The Comprehensive Linguistic Study on the Use of Irish in the Gaeltacht, which was published by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in 2007, illustrates the critical and fragile state of the Irish language in the Gaeltacht. During the year a Cabinet Committee was established, under the Chairmanship of An Taoiseach, to formulate an action plan in response to the findings and recommendations of the Linguistic Study. The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs also commissioned specialist language consultants to prepare a 20 year Irish Language Strategy. An tÚdarás is committed to playing it’s own part in the implementation of the strategy to be adopted by the Government.
Exchequer Funding for 2009
The total exchequer funding granted to Údarás for 2009 is €38m compared to €43m in 2008.
Further information: Siubhán Nic Grianna – Communications Manager 091 503219 / 087 2217757

Preasráiteas, 26 Eanáir 2009

D’iarr an Seanadóir Pearse Doherty ar maidin ar an Aire Oideachais Batt
O’Keeffe chun ciorclán a roinne 0044/2007 a aistarraingt, arb aidhm dó
deireadh a chur le modh teagaisc tumoideachais iomláin i nGaelscoileanna,
le gur féidir an dúshlán costasach dlí a aistarraingt a thabharfar in éadan
na Roinne ag feachtasóirí Gaeilge.

Dúirt Seanadóir Dhún na nGall:

“Sa bhliain 2007 d’eisigh an Roinn Oideachais ciorclán chuig gach Gaelscoil
ag ordú dóibh deireadh a chur le modh teagaisc tumoideachais iomláin a
chleachtann siad. Dhá bhliain anonn agus d’ainneoin an iliomad tuairiscí
agus iarrachtaí leanúnacha ó mhúinteoirí, scoláirí agus ó thuismitheoirí
chun an ciorclán seo a aistarraingt tá Aire Oideachais Batt O’Keeffe go
fóill ag déanamh neamhairde den fhreasúra láidir agus soiléir in aghaidh
bheart a roinne.

“Is é a thugann gach taighde idirnáisiúnta chun solais gan séanadh ná go
bhfuil buntáistí suntasacha le tumoideachas iomlán, ní amháin don teanga
mionlaigh ach d’oideachas iomlánaíoch páistí.

“Rinne Dónal Ó hAiniféin, Príomhoide ar Ghaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg, Inis,
Contae an Chláir, atá ina ionadaí tuismitheoirí ar an chomhlacht
comhairleach Gaeilge COGG, taighde le gairid ina mbreacann sé síos na
sochair seo agus bréagnaíonn sé an tuairim a scaipeann an roinn go minic go
dtéann an tumoideachas salach ar fhoghlaim an Bhéarla. Ní mar sin atá sé.

“Is é a bhí i dtaighde Dhónail Uí Ainiféin ná suirbhé ar theisteanna
gnóthachtála i léitheoireacht an Bhéarla déanta ag 3,298 páiste i
nGaelscoileanna ag deireadh an Dara agus Cúigiú Rang sa bhliain acadúil
anuraidh. Is é a léirigh sé ag deireadh an Dara Rang go raibh an scór
coibhéiseach a bhí bainte amach ag 33% de pháiste ar bhonn náisiúnta bainte
amach ag 43% de pháiste a bhain tairbhe as bliain iomlán amháin
tumoideachais sa Ghaeilge.

“Is cosúil gurb é rún na Roinne Oideachais, faoi ghéarshúil Batt O’Keeffe,
creill an bháis a chur i gcónra an Tumoideachais. Is mór an t-údar bróin é
don teanga agus don tábhacht stairiúil nach bhfuil an dara rogha ag
feachtasóirí ach dúshlán dlí a thabhairt don rialtas mar gheall ar a
chinneadh chun an bonn a bhaint den teanga. Tá a gcás le bheith os comhair
na cúirte sna seachtainí romhainn. Is ábhar bróin é fosta toisc comhthéacs
cheiliúradh 90ú bliain na Chéad Dála. Ba é cur chun cinn agus cosaint na
Gaeilge ceann de na clocha coirnéil polaitiúla a thug le chéile na fir agus
na mná chróga de chuid 1919.

“Is ábhar scannalach é go bhfuil airgead cáiníocóirí le bheith curtha amú
ar chosaint an ionsaí shoiléir seo ar an Ghaeilge ag an Stát féin.
B’fhearr i bhfad dá gcaithfí am an Aire O’Keeffe agus leoga airgead a
roinne ar sheomraí ranga réamhdhéanta atá lofa fud fad ár gcóras oideachais
nó ar chúnamh le páistí le riachtanais speisialta.

“Tá mé ag iarraidh ar an Aire Oideachais an rud ceart a dhéanamh maidir
leis an Ghaeilge agus ciorclán 0044/2007 a aistarraingt le gur féidir an
cás cúirte costasach agus gan chall a sheachaint. Creideann Sinn Féin gur
buncheart é an t-oideachas agus go bhfuil an ceart ag muintir na hÉireann
oideachas a fháil ina dteanga dhúchasach.” CRÍOCH

Sunday, January 25, 2009

YouTube - Brendan Mansfield- Election 2009 nomination and acceptance s

YouTube - Brendan Mansfield- Election 2009 nomination and acceptance s

Áisitheoir Pobail in Gaeltacht na nDéise job axed

Áisitheoir Pobail in Gaeltacht na nDéise job axed

Local Sinn Fein Councillor Brendan Mansfield, was informed by a member of Comhlacht Forbartha na nDéise, during the week that funding was ceasing for the role of Áisitheoir Pobail in Gaeltacht na nDéise on the 19th of February. This is due to lack of funding from MFG, Meitheal Forbartha na nGaeltachta. MFG was founded in 1991 to implement the LEADER programme in Gaeltacht areas countrywide. The main aim of MFG is to empower communities through guidance; by encouraging self-confidence and self-development throughout the community in every aspect of community life. This includes economic development and development in social, cultural and environmental arenas. It is not only their endeavour to listen to the communities, but to pay attention to them. They pay particular attention to the needs of women and young people, and to challenges facing people living in remote areas. Job losses will also occur in Co. Meath and in West Cork.
The main role of the Áisitheoir Pobail is to help voluntary groups and individuals source funding, education and assistance from Government bodies. Currently there is an Áisitheoir Pobail and an Áisitheoir Teanga employed in Gaeltacht na nDéise under Comhlacht Forbartha na nDéise. This is a non profit company consisting of 3 representatives from An Rinn, 3 from An Sean Phobal and 1 independent member. Funding will continue for the Áisitheoir Teanga until next year. Funding for the role of Áisitheoir Pobail was available since 2006. Anne-Marie, the current Áisitheoir Pobail, was available to meet members of the community in Halla Phobail na Rinne or in Fó-Oifig Údarás na nGaeltachta in An Sean Phobail. Anne-Marie was involved in the set up of the parent and toddler groups in the Gaeltacht, she also ensured that local notes were sent in both Irish and English, to the local papers each week, keeping the community informed of local happenings. Anne-Marie also assisted in the setting up and running of evening classes through Irish in both parishes.
Currently there are discussions on going in relation to changes to the structure of the governing bodies of the Gaeltacht. It is thought that there will be one body distributing funding to all the Gaeltacht areas, this will result in more job losses.

local elections

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click to enlarge

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YouTube - the Boys of Kilmichael - Johnny Donegan

YouTube - the Boys of Kilmichael - Johnny Donegan

benefit night